Extensions Tutorial - Google Drive Backup
under review
Gavin Las
Please add self-storage options - AWS, OneDrive, Google Drive. This is in line with BYO AI API keys. If, not, provide more granular storage options. 10MB to 100MB is a huge jump.
All, this has been outstanding for a long time, and it seems clear that TypingMind has no intention of creating a tool or tutorial that would allow for the use of our existing cloud storage for backup. Apart from this glaring flaw, I love TypingMind and it is the best and most user-friendly solution for what it does.
I was able to find a partial solution to our problem that effectively gives you 10GB of backup space for free. A user (Thomas) has created this:
It is not the easiest to set up initially for a beginner, but I have no experience and was able to get it working. Thomas deserves an enormous "thank you" for the effort he put in to create this! So far, I have been able to use it to backup, but not sync across devices. I have also been unable to get it working on separate devices with different "buckets" such that each device has its own independent backup (not as good as sync, but would still be helpful). It is possible that I am somehow using it incorrectly, but a backup function without cross-device sync is still better than the extremely expensive cloud storage otherwise available through TypingMind. Until TypingMind allows us to point their backup and sync tool at our own cloud storage or otherwise comes up with a solution, Thomas' may be our best option. I hope some of you find this helpful! And a sincere thank you to Thomas for creating it.
Jeremy Juan
When can we get an update on this? This should be higher priority
Ngoc Nguyen
Merged in a post:
Generalized cloud sync
Luke Zilioli
TypingMind syncing/backup tiers are cost prohibitive. 1GB for $10 a month is the most expensive cloud storage that I have ever seen. Please allow us to connect Dropbox, Google Drive, s3, or any other cloud storage provider for syncing. Most people already own and pay for cloud storage at a much more reasonable price point than typing mind's offerings, so please allow us to use this.
Agree, it's expensive, very.
Of course you have higher priorities when you make money of us not having any alternatives for backup 😉
Tony Dinh
under review
We'll consider adding a tutorial but it would be best for the community to do this. (our roadmap have more high priority items).
Aidan Molins
Tony Dinh I have spent around a dozen hours trying to get Itcon's extension to work, and I really appreciate the efforts of the community here, but unfortunately, I have not been able to solve the multitude of issues with this solution. It's been quite a bad experience and I just don't have the time to keep troubleshooting.
I agree with the OP here, as much as I value what you've produced, I just can't bring myself to pay $10 USD for 1GB of cloud storage a month, it just doesn't feel right to me. I'm going to try some other platforms in the space as it seems like they are able to address this a bit better. All the best and thanks for all the help so far.
I bought the biggest Typingmind license and get very little storage space - if I don't on top want to buy additional storage. So I have to upfront money and then additionally spend each month as well. Then I could have stayed with a subscription for OpenAI, Antrophic etc. instead.
On top of that the functionality that sends the code needed for the backup seems to be broken quite often lately.
So - please let us connect to one of the cloud services instead. The codebase is already there. If that functionality isn't coming it's really just because you would like the monthly subscription (which I could live with if I didn't have to buy a license before using Typingmind). In that case just tell us so.
Ngoc Nguyen
9be8f72f15: hi our vision for the cloud sync feature is to eventually support all 3rd party storage services and we've made it possible to partially with TypingMind Extensions.
However, we understand that there's a lot more work to make it easy and accessible for everyone. We have a long roadmap, thanks for being patient!
Sunil Aleti
Are there any other backup solutions ?
For clarity, this should be for both backup AND sync, if possible. The current option for cloud backup and sync is extremely expensive for the amount of storage.
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