Multi select delete
Brandon Yuen
Please let me clean up my chats in a conventient way. Practically I miss a "multi select" using shift + left-click to select all my chats not in a folder so I can delete them. (Not in a folder === temp chat for me) Also created a "trash" folder but then I have to 1) always put them in there, 2) delete the whole folder and re-create it.
Ngoc Nguyen
Ngoc Nguyen
As of now, you can use Shift + Left-click to select or deselect multiple chats at once.
For chats in folders, when you create a folder, it will automatically appear at the top. You can collapse the folders and then select chats outside the folders below to delete.
For the trash folder, I'd suggest using Archive chats feature. If you want to restore them later, just click on "Archived Chats" to bring them back.
Does these options work for you?
Nigel Powell
Ngoc Nguyen, excellent, thanks very much for this. Very helpful! :)
Brandon Yuen
Ngoc NguyenThank you for the update. However, I am still not able to shift + left-click on chats.
Also, additionaly to that using cmd (or ctrl) + left click should make it possible to individually add / remove a chat from your selection. I think this would be a great ui/ux and kind of expected behaviour
Brandon Yuen
The in-ability to easily clean my chats also means I reach my backup limit and have to just delete the top 50 biggest chats, while they might be important for later