New dedicated UI for AI Agents/Plugins/Models
in progress
Ngoc Nguyen
in progress
Tony Dinh
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Add Cost | Model Selection Dropdown Menu
Add the cost. Additionally, it would be nice to sort and filter by cost and feature.
Tony Dinh
Tony Dinh
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Easier way to edit and manage AI agents
Ásgeir Thor
Please give us an option to directly edit the AI agent currently being chatted with. Also it would be nice if your AI agents would not be forced to be on the first page of the AI agents because when you have many of them it get's bloated very fast. A solution would be that AI agents which have been assigned a category will only show in that category/categories not in the landing page of AI agents.
Diego Sala
Also, I find the name "agent" confusing, as it's commonly used for tools making actions (executing code, e.g. on web pages or office apps).
Ngoc Nguyen
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Edit Character Shortcuts
Please consider adding a small "Edit Character" button to pinned characters on the home screen, and for character in the current chat. It's slightly annoying having to click back to the Home Screen or search every time.
Agree, it's a very used UI and it should be more robust, we spent a lot of time dealing with it.
Ngoc Nguyen
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Edit agent improvement.
I've been using Typingmind for a while now, and I've noticed that editing an agent is annoying and not intuitive, for me, at least.
We need to start a new chat, select "View All," search for the agent I want to edit, and then press the edit button, that usually happens when I'm in a chat and want to change something in the agent. I see more convenient ways to simplify this process:
An "Edit" button could be added to the agent when selecting a new chat.
My preferred option would be to, in addition the previous option, to simply press the three dots in any chat and select "Edit Agent" or something similar.
I haven't given this much thought; it's just that I'm wasting time editing agents, and I do that a lot.
I have other places where I think it can be more intuitive to do things in another, easier way, like an option in the conversation where you can ask Typingmind to add checkmarks to each part of the conversation, so we can delete sections of the context, delete and item in a conversation, etc. I'll postpone those for a later time.