Prompt to style "Share as HTML" file
Pete Cohen
It would be cool to have a prompt in the Community Prompt library that would allow me to drop the html extract into a chat, and then have it formatted the same as when I do a web share of a chat from TypingMind.
My use case is that I would like to be able to send colleagues some chats as a file, but I am not comfortable putting them on a share link (e.g. if they include sensitive client information).
I had a try at creating a prompt, but it could be better. Or maybe there is an alternative and more deterministic way to do this?
My prompt
I have a raw HTML file from TypingMind that I want to style to look exactly like the shared TypingMind pages. Please create a complete HTML document with embedded CSS that achieves this look. The styling should include:
A light gray background for the page
A white container for the chat with subtle shadow
A light gray header with the title "TypingMind Chat"
Alternating user and assistant messages
Circular avatars for user (blue) and assistant (green)
Content indented and aligned with the name
'Inter' font from Google Fonts
Responsive design that works on mobile devices
Here's the raw HTML content to style:
[Paste your raw HTML here]
Please provide the complete HTML document, including the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, <head> section with necessary meta tags and CSS, and the <body> with the styled content. Ensure that the CSS is embedded in a <style> tag within the <head> section for easy use.